Welcome to my personnal webpage!

I’m a PhD in astrophysics with an engineering background in signal processing and data science.

During my thesis, I took part in an interdisciplinary collaboration between astrophysicists and researchers in statistics and data science, namely the ORION-B consortium, aimed at improving our understanding of the interstellar medium, using the Orion B giant molecular cloud as a template. I have contributed to the introduction of deep learning and information theory tools for Large Program data denoising, model emulation, and astrophysical parameter inference.

The Orion B GMC seen in optical (credits: Leonardo Orazi) and as a composition of three millimeter-wave lines of CO isotopologues (credits: ORION-B collaboration).

I carried out this thesis at IRAM and at GIPSA-lab in the SigmaPhy team, in Grenoble (France) from 2021 to 2024. This thesis was co-funded by IRAM and MIAI@Grenoble Alpes.

Research interests

  • Physical modeling
  • Machine learning
  • Signal processing
  • Applied statistics